Ginkgo - A Tree with Lots of History and Beauty
Ginkgo - A Tree with Lots of History and Beauty

Tyler, famous for the Tyler Rose Garden and miles of colorful azaleas lining the streets in spring, has another plant with fan-shaped leaves that attracts attention from Texas tree fans (pun intended). On the grounds of the Tyler City Hall stands a living monument to…

Celebrate Color with Showy Edibles
Celebrate Color with Showy Edibles

Growing your own food has numerous advantages: physical exercise, flavors that sing and colorful phytonutrients that contribute to well-being. I love to grow a wide range of edibles, and while I look forward to familiar favorites, I am also drawn to vegetables and herbs that…

Sugar Snap Peas
Sugar Snap Peas

In the vast history of food and farming, green peas (Pisum sativum) are an ancient crop. But the sweet, succulent sugar snap pea that we enjoy today is a recent innovation, thanks to a Utah-born plant breeder named Calvin Lamborn. In 1969, while working for…

Fall Flowers to Complement Fall Foliage
Fall Flowers to Complement Fall Foliage

To mention landscaping for fall color, we might think about the showy display that the foliage of many trees and shrubs provides. In Northeast Texas, many woody plants can put on a decent show most years, but elsewhere in Texas fall foliage is not that…