Autumn-Season Herbs

By William Scheick Contributing Editor Climate specialists define November through February as the Central Texas cool season. Anyone who has seen children perspiring uncomfortably inside their Halloween costumes knows why October is omitted from the cool-season category. Even so, reasonable hopes for autumnal herbs begin…

Soil-Building Tips for Green-Thumb Gardeners

By Skip Richter Contributing Editor Gardeners are dreamers. Everyone who sets out to create a garden has a vision in mind, whether it is a bountiful vegetable garden or an orchard, a garden of flowers exploding with color or a landscape with the perfect lawn…

Senior Gardens: Beneficial Harvest
Senior Gardens: Beneficial Harvest

By Suzanne Labry Contributing Writer Back in 2010, 96 percent of 50-year-olds and half of 64-year-olds who responded to a Del Webb Baby Boomer Survey stated that the term “senior citizen” did not apply to them because they didn’t “feel” like a senior. When asked…

Garden Color Despite Drought
Garden Color Despite Drought

By William Scheick Contributing Editor As I wrote in another article, droughts are dreaded dragons that lay waste to our prized landscapes and gardens. In Texas, droughts can show up any season, not just during blistering summers. They can’t be slain, only endured. And the…